Wednesday, December 17, 2014

London: Harrod's & Hampton Court

Saturday we spent with Scott's Scottish friends. We went to the British Museum and Harrod's.
Naturally this is the only picture I have.
I was intrigued by what the British Museum displayed: they had a lot of busts with no faces. The faces were back in their home country. In true American/British form it said that the artifacts were in this museum for better preservation. Few nations have the confidence to say things like that.
Harrod's was awesome but ridiculous. Who knew it cost $10 for 4 little pieces of chocolate!

Sunday we were about ready to cry with homesickness and hunger (British food is awful) 
but we bucked up and went out to Hampton Court, after a quick stop at the Victoria & Albert Museum.

Isn't the art work amazing!?

I loved the courtyards. 

We did the maze and Scott was stunned that we actually found the middle!

Monday morning we happily flew back home to real life and Mr. Jackson.
We really loved London and saw almost everything she had to offer.
I thought this trip was a starting point for touring Europe but Scott saw it as a bargaining chip to get me to Africa or Israel. I'm not so sure about that...

1 comment:

  1. Looks like you had a great time. You'll have to show me your pictures next time I'm in town.
