Saturday, January 19, 2013


The first week of December Scott got to go out to Boston for a school thing and I decided to tag along for a jam packed weekend. Someday we're going to learn to relax on vacation but until then we will walk and tour ourselves to death while seeing other places. 

I loved looking at the narrow streets and compact buildings but I wouldn't be thrilled to try and park a car anywhere in Boston!

A random alley.

Scott loved the bridge and I was fascinated by the old buildings. 

This was the Little Italy district that we ended up going to all 3 days. Everything was delicious!

After I arrived Friday morning we went to the Museum of Science and it was pretty cool. I did have to put a time on our visit because I'm sure Scott could have spent all day there.

This is the most popular route to get to the top of Everest. We took a picture just in case someday Scott is climbing and ends up needing this map...

Yes, Boston is cold in the winter. Even the dinosaurs kept inside are cold!

On that though, the weather was really mild. We felt like we were just hanging out in SF all day. We had to wear warm jackets but it wasn't too bad.

Scott reviewing his EMT training. Did I mention that he passed the test and is nationally certified?!? If you have an emergency call Scott!

We saw an electricity show but after going to Maker Faire we were left desiring more.

Scott tried out all the chairs available: tall.



Lastly at the museum we saw some woolly mammoths. Scott especially liked this exhibit.

This is Mike's Pastry. The place was always packed and had so many delicious treats. Can you believe just the corner of this display case?!

People just browsing and waiting to be helped. We went on Friday and Sunday. Both days we bought and ate too much. It was so good though!

There was a great street market just past Little Italy. We bought some fresh fruit and 

Scott found some shrimp to enjoy. He was in heaven with all the sea food Boston had to offer.

Friday night we hung out around Faneuil Hall. There were tons of stores to browse and also a light show. They played some Christmas music and had all the lights going with the beat. It was pretty cool!

Merry Christmas from Boston!

It was a wild night thanks to Mike's Pastry: chocolate mousse cannoli, delicious macaroon, decadent brownie!

Saturday morning we got our senor citizen on at the JFK presidential library. It was awesome.

We were the first and possibly youngest people there.

They had great displays.

Scott worked very hard to keep things where they belong...

A replica of a White House hallway.

The family Bible that JFK was sworn in on.

We got a good laugh over how states have changed in their voting habits. When JFK was elected California voted Republican and Texas went Democrat. Wow, times have changed!

A part of the Berlin Wall.

After the museum we went out to Harvard Square to get some delicious lunch.

Scott got some raw oysters and a mixture of other sea food. He paid for that later that evening...

A cool gingerbread house.

Harvard was really cool. The buildings are beautiful and so old and elegant.

The weather was overcast and made everything look damp and cold. I'm sure these buildings have heaters but to me they looked so cold inside!

You're supposed to rub this statue's toe for good luck but it seems like you'd just get a communicable disease. No thanks!

The school library.

In the evening we went out to Bunker Hill. It was quite a walk from the T station. This is looking back on the bridge Scott likes so much.

Are you wondering why there are no pictures of Saturday night? That's because we spent it at the hotel with Scott puking his guts out. He says he got sick from too much food but I think he's sick from eating my lunch. I got a salmon melt but when I went to eat it I thought it was way too raw. Scott proceeded to eat the entire thing... You be the judge. Either way he sure was sick that night!

Another shot of the bridge on Sunday morning.

You can see me in the yellow jacket but I love all the old buildings. It gives a place so much character.

This was the office building of Charles Ponzi, the man who 'invented' the Ponzi scheme.

How would you like to climb down those stairs in an emergency? They look cool though.

We saw the Mayor's Parade!

Our favorite little pizza joint. We went there twice and were never disappointed.

Boston was so awesome, we'd love to go back. Stay tuned for my next post about the Freedom Trail!


  1. I love this post! Lots of pictures, peppered with witty quips. Maybe I'll take some tips and start blogging again someday. Don't hold your breath... So Boston has more seafood than San Fran, eh? At first I was getting worried that you wouldn't actually tell us what you got at the pastry store, but then you saved the day with that picture. I don't know exactly why, but for some reason I'd like to know a lot more about the treats you got. And sad day puking on vacation. I love me some good seafood, but when it's bad, it's BAD. Take me with you next time! ;)

  2. To be fair, Cecilie does go to bed when it gets dark outside, even on the east coast. So even if I wasn't sick Saturday night, Cecilie would have been fast asleep!

  3. Looks fun! You guys should move here! Then we can both be on the East Coast and visit each other! Also, I'm disappointed you didn't get an extra brownie to share when I came out for Christmas. Seriously, BROWNIES ARE THE BEST.

    Also, poor Scott. Why should one be punished for loving seafood?!
