Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Gizdich Ranch

Last year a friend and I went down to Gizdich Ranch in Watsonville for some delicious strawberry picking. It was memorable from both the crazy kids and delicious pies.
She kept a careful eye and we went on opening day this year. I was a bit nervous there would be slim pickings but I was totally wrong! The strawberries were enormous and plentiful.

These kids are so cute.

It's kinda sad when a kid learns to smile for the camera.
You no longer get cute candid shots, you get this.
(And Jackson was a champ at picking clods of dirt instead of strawberries.)

The ultimate picking crew!

 Thankfully we had lunch before strawberry picking so we actually had some to take home!

 Until next year Gizdich!

1 comment:

  1. I want to come next year! I love U-Pick! Also those look like turds not dirt clods in Jackson's bucket..
