Sunday, October 10, 2010


In our efforts to accomplish all of our weekend hopes and dreams, we ended up with an incredilby busy Saturday. At church today, Cecilie wrote down our schedule...

8am: Wake up
8:30am: Yoga with p90x
9:15am: Cecilie quits yoga since she is not friends with upward dog and starts cleaning
10am: Clean up the house
12pm: Clean garage
1pm: Lunch (pan seared chicken with fresh rosemary from outside)
1:30pm: Costco
3pm: Wood furniture store to 'just look'
3:05pm: wood furniture store has that sell of a lifetime that always is going on that weekend you decide to go and just look
3:10pm: we buy the dresser
3:30pm : Target so Cecilie can buy all of their candy
4:00pm : haphazardly throw groceries in the house and run to the Stanford-USC game
4:50pm : meet Brad and Kelsey at the game
5pm-8:45pm : nervously watch the close game and eventually see us beat those Trojans
8:45pm : mad sprint to the car
9:30pm: Arrive in Sunnyvale for Persian dinner with my old roommate Amir
9:40pm : I get some belly dancing lessons while waiting for our waitress (sorry, no pics :-)
10pm-11pm: Dinner plus Persian dancing (and a drunk guy cussing at Cecilie and trying to get her to dance with him).
11:30pm: Bedtime

Below are some pics of all the fans excitedly rushing the field. I never knew when my brother Curtis got accepted to USC that my team would ever beat his.

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  1. In cleaning the garage did you come across any presents with my name on it? I think I left a few of those in there! And I'm expecting the next post to be a video of your newfound skill of belly dancing! Busy day newlyweds! Sounds exciting!

  2. A few important comments and questions:
    1. You guys do a lot of cleaning. Can you please come to my house?
    2. Did Cecilie just buy candy at Target, or did she buy a bunch of clothes to return another day?
    3. Never go to big-purchase stores unless you're ready for a big purchase. They ALWAYS have the sale of a lifetime on that exact item you want but the sale won't last so you think, why pay more if I'm going to get it eventually anyways? Curses...
    4. Go Stanford Trees! (What's the actual mascot?)
    5. Persian food sounds delicious (is it anything like Indian food?), but not nearly as exciting as the belly dancing. Maybe you can show us what you learned at Thanksgiving. We'll have a family talent show. And the 3 Bain girls will sing (just like Bro. Bristow dreamed of, right Cec?).
    6. Please keep blogging! :)

  3. Love that you guys are blogging. Just wish that it was on WordPress.

    That is all. ;)
